Thursday, February 7, 2019

TCEA...Best Week Ever!

I would love to tell you everything I learned this week. That would take hours and you would stop reading before the end of the first page. I met many wonderful people and learned information that I can take back to school on Monday and put into practice. That is probably my favorite thing about TCEA. I always come home able to change my craft--by adding new apps, trying out new websites, and using technology to take learning to the next level.

Instead of dumping my brain on the page, I am going to try things out over the next few weeks and will share the results. Expect a post every Friday reporting what worked and what needed a tweak or two. Until then, I will leave you with this--if you are not a member of TCEA, you should be. It is one of the best professional organizations available. Your membership gives you access to webinars, CPE credit, membership in the TCEA community, and much more. For teachers, the cost is $49 a year, and it is well worth the money. No, they do not pay me to tell people to join, nor am I an actress in a commercial...I just feel strongly about the organization and its mission to help teachers, students, and the entire learning community successfully integrate technology. Check them out!

Testing, Testing, Testing

The following post is a test. I repeat, it is only a test. I have decided to test out another aspect of If This, Then That. If you have never used IFTTT, you build a script that will automate actions for you. For instance, you can create a script (or use one that is already created) to post anything you tweet to Facebook. The script I am testing today is one that will post anything I post in Blogger to both Facebook and Twitter.

IFTTT can make life easier for you by connecting your devices and your online presences. One thing I learned the hard way--pick a platform for your original post and stick with it. For instance, do not have a script to post from Twitter to Facebook, and another script to post from Facebook to Twitter. You will end up with hundreds of the same post as the scripts trade the post back and forth.

IFTTT is available on the web and mobile devices through their app. I have had better luck manipulating the website, but the mobile app is more convenient.

Edited to add: My blog post went to Twitter, but not to Facebook. back to the drawing board...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


What does this picture represent to you?

I am at the Texas Library Association Annual Conference this week. Today, I came upon these doors. Beyond these doors was the session I wanted to attend. As you can see, the doors were shut. My first thought was, "What? I need to be on the other side of those doors!!" Then I started thinking, "What do doors really mean?" Here is my list:

1. They keep people out. We have been trained that when you come to a closed door, you don't go past them. There is obviously a reason why they are shut.

2.  They keep people in. If the doors are shut, and you are on the inside, you can stay on the inside. Sometimes we want to stay on the inside, sometimes we don't.

3. They offer a challenge. Do I open the door and go on in? Do I stand here and wait until someone opens the door for me? What will happen if I open the door and other people are in there? What if it is locked?

Of course, these questions made me start thinking beyond the actual doors in front of me. What kinds of doors do we present to others? Do we try to keep others out? In? Are there doors we control that we do not even know we are controlling? As a mom and a teacher, I worry about this. Is there a door I have shut for a child who just needed me to hold it open?

Based on this thinking, I have made a decision to be a door opener, not a door closer. Opportunities abound for our children, and I want to help them open the doors that will help them be successful--whether it is through books, technology, or just listening.

So, what did I decide to do about the doors in the picture? I opened the door and went inside. There were no secret meetings going on, just a bunch of librarians having lunch.

Time for learning...I will let you know what I learn in my next post.

Friday, March 2, 2018

5 Things I Learned at the DI Competition

1. Even on a bright sunny day when the ground looks perfectly dry, the ground is muddy if it has rained the previous week. (My shoes are a testament to this disturbing fact.)

2. The team with the flashiest accessories is not always the team that wins. (In other words, do not be afraid of the team with the flashing computer board. Have faith in your own simplicity.)

3. Appraisers are people, too. (Just because the appraiser did not give you the points you thought you should get does not make them mean...they have their own opinions, and that is ok.)

4. Teamwork makes the dream work. (OK...I already knew this, but the judges really do look for teams that work well together.)

5. If you get tired of sitting, get up and dance! (This needs no explanation.)

I cannot wait to see what happens next year!

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

I want to give a shout out to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History! I have been going to this museum since I was a little girl. I can still remember the display of ancient surgery and the transparent woman where you could see all the organs and systems just by pushing a button. The museum has changed a great deal since I was six. While I miss the old exhibits that I remember from my childhood, I love the new design and new exhibits. Right now, they have an exhibit all about Guitars! It is awesome.

Another thing I love about this museum is their commitment to providing children (and adults) with the opportunity to explore science and engineering concepts through hands-on activities. This week, they are focusing on engineering through Engineering Week at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  The following information is from their flyer:

February 20 - 21 | 10 AM to 2 PM February 22 | 10 AM to 4 PM
February 23 | 10 AM to 2 PM February 24 | 11 AM to 5 PM
Be inspired this year during Engineers Week. Engineering opportunities abound
as you engage in hands-on and mind-challenging activities throughout the Museum.
Imagine, design, test and improve your ideas while you collaborate with area
engineers and experience the wonder of engineering.

Saturday is Girls & Engineering Day. Here is the information from their flyer:

Experience engineering with the girls in your life at Girls & Engineering Day at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. This activity packed afternoon combines hands-on engineering challenges, opportunities to talk with practicing women engineers and a chance to explore Museum exhibits.
February 24th, 2018 | 12:00-4:00 pm
Cost: Included with Museum Exhibit admission
A limited number of complimentary tickets for Dream Big in the Omni Theater at 2:40 pm will be
available for the first guests attending the event. Tickets are available on a first come, first served
basis beginning at 12:00 pm at the Girls & Engineering Day check-in Table.
Learn more at
Learn about electrical energy safety with Oncor
Dissect interesting electronics with Lockheed Martin
Learn about Cognitive computing with IBM
Experiment with Light Emitting Diodes with Mouser Electronics
Engineer your own musical instruments
with the Society of Women Engineers
Solve different building challenges throughout the Museum

If you are an educator, head on out there--you get in free with your school ID!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Simply Organized

As much as I hate to admit it, I am not a very organized librarian. I am a stacker. Yes, a stacker. Piles surround me like mini archeological digs. I usually know where to find things, but not if the piles get moved.

I started thinking about the wonderful things I find to teach in January. Or the things I find for December in June. I add them to the piles, and usually, forget about them until June when I am packing up the library. It is infuriating to find something that I already had when it is too late. No more!

This is my idea notebook!

I could have made the tabs, but I was being efficient (or lazy...depends on your mindset). Now, when I find something for December, I add it to the December tab. If I want to remember something for the beginning of the year, it goes behind August. Yes, I know I could (should) have a digital version. This works for me. I still need to touch, write, move, smell. I have a digital version; I just do not remember to use it.

Will this work? Check with me next year. It will store my stacks. I can move things around, take notes, and make my plans. I will let you know how it goes. For now, it is time to go through those stacks!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Book clubs--a new look and feel!

I just had the most awesome book club experience. Usually, when I do a book club, I am the one that has to pull discussion out of the students. It is boring for me and more boring for the students. They quickly realize that if left with dead time, I will keep on talking. This group is different!

Each person (including me) has a job. These are not your typical jobs. This week, I get to be the investigator. My job is to, "research the geography, weather, climate, or history of the selection's setting." Next week, I will have a different job, and the person who is the investigator will have a different task. There is always something new and exciting to look forward to each week.

I will be posting my assignment for the book club here each week. If you would like to read along, we are reading is Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine.

Click here to find the book on

I look forward to sharing this adventure with you!

TCEA...Best Week Ever!

I would love to tell you everything I learned this week. That would take hours and you would stop reading before the end of the first page. ...